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making instrument中文是什么意思

用"making instrument"造句"making instrument"怎么读"making instrument" in a sentence


  • 仪器制造


  • Special steel for making instruments
  • Funny musical games : baby ' s musical games , making instruments by babies
  • This fixing fashion can make instrument to balanced wok and to minish measure error
  • The guilds determined who could make instruments , what they were sold for , the acceptable quality standards , etc
  • The zheng is developed from a small bamboo - made instrument originally used by ancient herdsmen in 475 - 221 b . c . it was very popular as early as qin dynasty 255 - 206 b . c .
    最初的筝是古代游牧民族所制造的一种小形竹制乐器,后来流行于秦国公元前255 - 206年,即所谓秦筝。
  • Zheng the zheng is developed from a small bamboo - made instrument originally used by ancient herdsmen in 475 - 221 b . c . it was very popular as early as qin dynasty 255 - 206 b . c .
    最初的筝是古代游牧民族所制造的一种小形竹制乐器,后来流行于秦国公元前255 - 206年,即所谓秦筝。
  • This research successfully transform instrument from simulated style to digital ones , make it possible for the home made instruments to achieve high performance and envision a bright future for the electronic instrument development
  • The quantity of moisture transmitted through leather under different environment conditions was measured with self - made instrument , and the effect of ambient temperature , relative humidity and so on of the leather garment during wearing on its moisture permeability was evaluated using grey system theory
用"making instrument"造句  
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